Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Chiropractic care for pregnancy, postpartum and newborns

(by guest writer, By Dr. Mark Lindholm, Natural Health Family Chiropractic)

Several years ago I was invited to speak to a group of area Birth Professionals. I asked them prior to the presentation what they most wanted to know about Chiropractic. These are the questions they asked and my answers.

1. How is chiropractic care beneficial during pregnancy, postpartum and for the newborn?

There is probably no other time when Chiropractic care is more appropriate and important than during pregnancy, postpartum and for the newborn. First though it is important to explain what chiropractic care is and is not.

Chiropractic is based on a Vitalistic Paradigm, that the human body has an innate ability to heal (homeostasis or homeodynamics), and the biological fact that every dimension of the human experience is processed by the nervous system. In application the Chiropractor removes interference to the nervous system by adjusting vertebral subluxations in the spine and endeavors to empower his or her patients to adopt a wellness lifestyle focusing on how they eat (nutrition), how they move (exercise), and how they think (positive mental attitude and stress reduction). It is also important to note that Chiropractic is not merely a treatment for back pain or a modality applied for the treatment of disease, but has much further reaching benefits.

2. What is Optimal Fetal Positioning Technique or the Webster Technique?

Optimal Fetal Positioning Technique and the Webster Technique are protocols which I have used very successfully in my practice to correct breech and posterior presentations. These are not an external version or any form of a physical turning of the baby.

It is gentle protocol based on removing subluxations and ligamentous tension to reduce uterine constraint and thereby allow the baby to move into an optimal presentation over a series of adjustments. The protocol also utilizes at home exercises, positioning education and in some cases self or partner massage in addition to the in office adjustments and treatments. It is important to note that with this type of treatment we sometimes see results from just one adjustment and treatment session but that it often takes multiple adjustments and the closer to full term the mother is the more difficult it is for the baby to turn.

3. We all want to know: Can you or should you really adjust a newborn? Why?

Yes you can, Chiropractic adjustments of a newborn usually require only gentle fingertip type of pressure. All chiropractors are trained in pediatrics and the care of newborns though some chiropractors may be more skilled and/or experienced in this area.

Yes you should, right after birth is a critical time to check for and correct any interference in the nervous system of this precious little baby. The upper cervical spine is commonly stressed or injured during even an ideal labor and delivery, not to mention the stress that can be put on a babies’ spine and nervous system during a traumatic labor and delivery. The neurology of the upper cervical spine affects the brain stem which controls all basic life sustaining functions, breathing, heart rate, and appetite. This area also acts as a conduit for the passage of almost all the nerves to communicate with the entire body.

Why? In addition to what we have already discussed there is a window of opportunity in the newborn during which the nervous system is developing and adapting. If interference is uncorrected during this critical time it can cause permanent consequences in the babies’ development and health for the rest of its life.

4. Are there “Red Flag” conditions that would be a sign that a baby should see a Chiropractor?

Yes, forceps, vacuum extraction, and C-sections all greatly increase the risk of injury to the baby. It is very unlikely that a baby will be born using these interventions and not be subluxated. Newborns that under go these types of traumatic births need to be checked by a chiropractor as soon as possible. Obviously forceps, vacuum extraction, and C-section should be used only in emergencies. Chiropractic prenatal care can and usually does result in a healthier pregnancy and a better labor and delivery, decreasing the odds that dangerous interventions will be necessary.

Very fast and also very long labors, posterior presentations, breech births, etc. all also increase the risks of birth trauma. Babies with low Apgar scores, failure to thrive diagnoses, problems latching and nursing well, infantile colic and recurrent ear infections are also red flag signs of potential subluxations.

For more information regarding the Webster Technique and Optimal Fetal Positioning :
This video is a demonstration using the Webster Technique on a patient.
This video is from a workshop we held at my clinic on “good baby positioning”

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