
Babywearing is the art of carrying your baby in a sling, wrap or other carrier. Although people often think of babywearing as a new trend, the practice is actually as ancient as mankind. As long as there have been babies, there have been mothers and fathers to wear them.

·         Why Babywear?
·         Great Things About Babywearing 
·         From a dad’s perspective
·         Glossary of Terms
·         Babywearing abbreviations 
·         Abbreviations (facebook)
·         Comparison chart of SSC (soft structured carriers- think Ergo, Beco, etc)  
·         Choosing a Baby Carrier 
·         comparison chart 
·         Resources for choosing a carrier  

Like most baby products, baby carrier safety depends heavily on the user. Whenever using any baby carrier it is important for baby to:
  • be visible to you - even in a back carry you should be able to see baby in your peripheral vision
  • be high on your body (close enough to kiss when on your front)
  • be snug and tight to your body
  • have a clear airway - you should be able to put two finger widths under baby's chin (baby should NOT be chin-to-chest)
  • be in a seated squat position with knees at or above bum - this position allows for baby's hips to develop properly


Warsaw Babywearing Mommas- Facebook group
Babywearers of Northeast Indiana (Ft Wayne)- Facebook group- has carrier lending library
Michiana Babywearers- Facebook group
BWI of Central Indiana (formerly Indianapolis Babywearers)- Facebook group- has carrier lending library
Babywearing Advise- Facebook group
Babywearing B/S/T- Facebook group
Snuggybaby- another local (Ft Wayne) carrier source
Babywearing International- Facebook 

The Babywearer: Offers information about the different types of baby carriers and how to use them. There is an active forum for sharing advice and buying and selling used carriers.

Babywearing Institute: Offers information about safe babywearing. You can find Certified Babywearing Educators for private or group instruction.

Babywearing International: Offers local babywearing support groups with Volunteer Babywearing Educators to help parents learn about babywearing.

BabyCenter Babywearing Basics Group: Offers message boards where you can learn and share information about babywearing and baby carriers. 

Loaners, rentals, purchasing
Babywearing Swap (facebook group)

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